Tunas Bangsa Ceria Preschool and Kindergarten
Established in 2003 at Lebak Jaya II/49. In 2010 we used 2 buildings for our school , at Lebak Jaya II/49 and Lebak Jaya II Tengah 46.
By God’s grace, we moved to our larger building at Kenjeran 440.
Unique Characteristics
BBCT (Beyond Centers and Circle Time) Learning
Macro Play and Language Centre​
Building Centre
Creative Centre
Nature Centre
Religion and Character Centre
Readiness Centre
Anak Panah Christian Elementary School
Established in 2010 at Lebak Jaya II Tengah 46 and by His amazing Grace we moved to Kenjeran 440 in 2012.
Advance Program : with Science and Mathematics (Cambridge Curriculum)
Regular Program : based on the national curriculum with advanced subjects given by school
Anak Panah Christian Lower Secondary School
Established in 2016
Advance Program : with Science and Mathematics (Cambridge Curriculum)
Regular Program : based on the national curriculum with advanced subjects given by school
Anak Panah Christian Upper Secondary School
Established in 2019
PKBM Anak Panah
Established in 2016
Paket A - equals to Elementary Level
Paket B - equals to Lower Secondary Level
Paket C - equals to Upper Secondary Level